Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Castle Doctrine Reform Bill

The Colorado Senate Veterans and Military Affairs Committee will be voting on the Castle Doctrine Reform Bill soon. The current version known as the “Make My Day” law says that if you are in your home and someone comes in and you are in fear for your life or the life of someone in your home you have the right to use force up to and including deadly force to prevent that harm. The Castle Doctrine Reform Bill would extend that right to businesses.

In a nut-shell it states that any owner, employer or employee in a business has that same right in a business that is afforded in a home. While I would like to see this bill written in broader terms, it is certainly a step in the right direction.

I urge each of you to contact your State Senator to work for the passage of this urgent bill and specifically, contact the committee members to vote it out of committee for consideration of the full Senate. Once it is passed we will work to pass it in the State House.

Contact information for the Veterans and Military Affairs Committee are listed below:

Chairman Suzanne Williams (D-28)
Phone: 303-866-3432

State Senator Bob Bacon (D-14) (Vice-Chair)
Phone: 303-866-4841

State Senator Betty Boyd (D-21)
Phone: 303-866-4857

State Senator Bill Cadman (R-10)
Phone: 303-866-2737

State Senator David Shulthies (R-9)
Phone: 303-866-4835

The senate bill can be seen here: Senate Bill 8.



Daniel C. Lanotte


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