Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A little Humor, courtesy of the El Paso County Democrats.

From the EPC Democrat Party Website: (And what it really means in plain English, the official Language de Colorado.)FOR NOW

So I was trying a new Google feature I have been selected to beta test, and put in Local+Organizations+wishful exaggerations of the truth, and up pops the El Paso County Democrat's website. Their actual stated beliefs are in bold. Fortunately I was able to get a plain English translation of their stated beliefs (shown below.)

As Democrats We Believe:

In Defending all of the human rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.
Except for free association, freedom to keep what you earn, freedom of speech for conservatives on college campuses, freedom of the US Marines to recruit in Berkley, and the right to keep and bear arms.

A clear separation of Church and State.
Except that we must ignore that separation is nowhere in the Bill of Rights or the US Constitution, and that the phrase was expressed in a private letter by Thomas Jefferson (who was in France at the time and had no part in the constitution) to a Baptist convention. But it advances our religion of global climate change & anti capitalism (except for our favorite for profit abortion clinics.) So all hail and praise, separation from god is now our God.

Swift and appropriate punishment for criminal behavior.
Except when the "criminal behavior" is unlawfully crossing our border, trespassing and property damage by liberal protesters, or sexual crimes against children in Vermont.

Freedom from undue government interference in our private lives and personal decisions. Except if you want to home school your kids in California.

Fiscal responsibility in government.
The responsibility we feel to ensure you pay your fair and ever growing share for our ever growing government's fiscal needs.

Equal opportunity for all citizens.
And equal preferences for all those we can divide into diverse and separate sub groups who need our protection and assistance cause they just can't make it if all things were really equal.

A quality education that gives all individuals the opportunity to reach their potential*.
*For those that can afford a private school like Chelsea Clinton had, or live in areas with a Conservative school board, and Union government schools with little accountability or hope of improvement for those unlucky enough to live where the Education Union is strong. But hey, we need their money and organization skills.

A quality environment in which to raise our children.
With freedom for the transgendered to use their restrooms, to parade down main street, and adopt them when their backwards conservative parents are finally jailed for their homophobic thoughts.

The value of diversity within the community.
With the worthwhile goal of total diversity of each and every human family, diversity of language until we all speak and understand a different diverse one, and diversity for all thoughts and ideas, except conservative ideas, traditions, morals and morays which must be eliminated.

Rewarding honest, hard work with a living wage and fair taxation.
Well history proves were lying here, but just smile and give us a pass.

Community support for strong families.
Except if they're headed by an evil white male who regularly listens to Rush Limbaugh.

Security in our homes, our communities and our nation.
Except we opposed the "make my day" law to allow true personal security. On national security, we elected representatives that tried to cut and run, but they couldn't get it passed. Elect more Democrats and we will promise a foreign policy triumph like Jimmy Carter gave us in Iran. (He got a Nobel Peace prize for the lasting peace he brought to the middle east too.)

A nation that will serve as a model of economic and social justice to the rest of the world.
And be a model like Fidel Castro's Cuba, whom we Love and Praise.

And remember to vote Democrat in the Fall, Our Invincible team is recommended by more ruthless dictators than any other party.

(WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Add another name to the list of political observers who think a Clinton-Obama ticket would be unbeatable: Cuban leader Fidel Castro.)

Danny Glover and Jane Fonda will be next months guest speakers.

This has been a test of liberals ability to take humor as well as dish it out. We now return them to the typical left wing rants previously posted at moveON.org.

A Billion

The next time you hear a politician use the
word 'billion' in a casual manner, think about
whether you want the 'politicians' spending
YOUR tax money.

A billion is a difficult number to comprehend,
but one advertising agency did a good job of
putting that figure into some perspective in
one of its releases.

A. A billion seconds ago it was 1959.

B. A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive.

C. A billion hours ago our ancestors were
living in the Stone Age.

D. A billion days ago no-one walked on the earth on two feet.

E. A billion dollars ago was only 8 hours and
20 minutes, at the rate our government is spending it.

While this thought is still fresh in our brain, let's take a look at New Orleans It's amazing what you can learn with some simple division

Louisiana Senator, Mary Landrieu (D), is presently asking the Congress for $250 BILLION to rebuild New Orleans . Interesting number, what does it mean?

A. Well, if you are one of 484,674 residents of
New Orleans (every man, woman, child), you
each get $516,528.

B. Or, if you have one of the 188,251 homes in
New Orleans , your home gets $1,329,787.

C. Or, if you are a family of four, your family
gets $2,066,012.

Washington , D.C .. HELLO!!! ... Are all your calculators broken??

Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
CDL License Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Dog License Tax
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel Perm it Tax
Gasoline Tax
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax
Inventory Tax
IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax),
IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax),
Liquor Tax,
Luxury Tax,
Marriage License Tax,
Medicare Tax,
Property Tax,
Real Estate Tax,
Service charge taxes,
Social Security Tax,
Road Usage Tax (Truckers),
Sales Taxes,
Recreational Vehicle Tax,
School Tax,
State Income Tax,
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA),
Telephone Federal Excise Tax,
Telephone Federal Universal Service Fe e Tax,
Telephone Federal, State and Local Su rcharge Tax,
Telephone Minimum Usage Su rcharge Tax,
Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring Charges Tax,
Telephone State and Local Tax,
Telephone Usage Charge Tax,
Utility Tax,
Vehicle License Registration Tax,
Vehicle Sales Tax,
Watercraft Registration Tax,
Well Permit Tax,
Workers Compensation Tax.

Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago,
and our nation was the most prosperous in the world.

We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.

What happened?

And I still have to 'press 1' for English.


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Dan writes his Senator

Dear Senator Salazar,

It has been brought to my attention that Senator Feinstein has successfully attached an amendment to the War Supplemental Bill for 2008 that would give legal status to an estimated 1.35 million illegal aliens working in agriculture. I have also been informed that this bill is to be voted upon in the Senate in the next few days.

I strongly urge you to vote against this bill and work for its defeat. Illegal aliens are, by definition, law-breakers who have proven that they have no respect for the laws of our country.
There is an alternative to having illegals working in agricultural jobs.

That is to have an established “guest worker” program such as that proposed by Marsha Looper in the Colorado State House. Using this approach, we would know who is coming in to work, where they will be working, and when they will leave. If they come in on a permanent work visa, we will still know who they are, where they are working and their exact status.

Why should illegals be given preferential status over those who stand in line and have respect for our laws?

Daniel C. Lanotte
Falcon, Colorado

Monday, May 19, 2008

Our Boulder Liberal friend David writes

But the (principles expressed in the following post about how to save the Republican Party) is not what I see the GOP offering us, either nationally or here in Colorado. DAVID

Bingo David

And that's why we are not winning. Those ideals are not exclusivly one person. It's not "Reagan", it's America.

Reagan just articulated it better than most.

The words and ideas I posted are those that have once, and can again unite the Republican party, and attract dissatisfied patriotic Democrats, and independents like I was first attracted to the party by Reagan as its messenger.

Yes Ronald Reagan was a great genuine person, but it is the ideas and ideals that endure, not just his personality.

Republicans in the 1980's were not flawless, but the principles were, and are enduring.
Are you better off today than you were 2 years ago before the Democrats took control of both houses of Congress?

The only person or entity that has an approval rating lower than President Bush is the Democrat controlled CONGRESS.

We can take these guys. We have a better message and a better reality.

They want to sell, have to sell, their good intentions, because the record of their programs is costly at best, and counterproductive and actually damaging to American Freedom at worst.

I have NEVER felt my family's or my personal liberty was in jeopardy from the Patriot act. But I darn sure have felt that from the TAX reform acts both enacted and proposed by the Democrat's.

I have never felt the future outlook for my children and grandchildren to grow up in a country of laws and reason was in jeopardy from George W. Bushes picks for the bench, but I sure have felt that from those chosen by Democrats, who as US Supreme court justices in written opinions look to foreign law and foreign courts for guidance on American jurisprudence.

It is not Conservatives who govern as Conservatives I fear, it is Liberals who govern like socialists, and Republicans who govern like Democrats.

The Conservative Voice of CD-5.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Newsman - How to Save the Republican Party

"We, the members of the New Republican Party, believe that the preservation and enhancement of the values that strengthen and protect individual freedom, family life, communities and neighborhoods and the liberty of our beloved nation should be at the heart of any legislative or political program presented to the American people."

"Everybody says the Republican Party needs to rebrand itself in a marketing sense. Now, my question is, let's take the people in the Republican Party right now from the leadership on down. Who in there do we think has the ability to do this? If they had the ability to rebrand themselves, do you think they would be doing it? Or are they going to give up rebranding and instead hitch themselves to the wagon of John McCain, who doesn't want them to hitch their wagon to his. But let me read something to you, see if this strikes you as workable, see if you find this intelligent." RHL

"Our task now is not to sell a philosophy, but to make the majority of Americans, who already share that philosophy, see that modern conservatism offers them a political home...
"The job is ours and the job must be done. If not by us, who? If not now, when? Our party must be the party of the individual. It must not sell out the individual to cater to the group. No greater challenge faces our society today than ensuring that each one of us can maintain his dignity and his identity in an increasingly complex, centralized society. "

"Extreme taxation, excessive controls, oppressive government competition with business ... frustrated minorities and forgotten Americans are not the products of free enterprise. They are the residue of centralized bureaucracy, of government by a self-anointed elite. Our party must be based on the kind of leadership that grows and takes its strength from the people. Any organization is in actuality only the lengthened shadow of its members.

A political party is a mechanical structure created to further a cause. The cause, not the mechanism, brings and holds the members together. And our cause must be to rediscover, reassert and reapply America's spiritual heritage to our national affairs. Then with God's help we shall indeed be as a city upon a hill with the eyes of all people upon us."

This is from Ronald Reagan's New Republican Party, CPAC 1977.



Colorado Springs Gazette EDITORIAL

Colorado Springs Gazette EDITORIAL May 15, 2008 -


Lawsuit will only hurt kids in need Leaders of District 11 need to stop trying to protect yesterday's monopoly and start worrying about the needs of students and families in Colorado Springs. The district filed a surprise lawsuit Tuesday in Denver against the Colorado State Board of Education and Hope Online Learning Academy Co-Op.

It's demanding "clarification of the rights, roles and responsibilities of each of the parties under a new online learning law enacted by the Colorado Legislature in 2007." The district fully understands the rights, roles and responsibilities, and is merely trying to obstruct progress. Hope Online, a hugely successful statewide online school, began operating in D-11 and dozens of other districts in 2005.

The school is a modern and innovative answer to the problems facing children who haven't done well in the kind of monopolized, one-size-fits-all schools provided by D-11 and other giant districts. It's part of the school choice movement, which provides more options than ever for families of modest means to shop around for educational opportunities that meet the diverse needs of children.

District 11 administrators, who seem to have an absurd amount of control over the elected school board members who are supposed to be in charge, don't like school choice. They like the way things were, when public schools felt entitled to all children whose parents couldn't afford private schools. Public money is attached to each student, and the old guard doesn't like having to compete with charter schools from out of town.

They want meat in the seat, and schools such as Hope Online pose a threat. Unlike every other major school district in the state - Boulder, Denver, Aurora, Westminster, etc. - District 11 has done everything possible to obstruct the progress of Hope Online. The state board ordered D-11 to enter into an operating agreement with Hope Online, which is why the district is suing the board. In a press release, D-11 officials explain that they're suing in part because of performance concerns involving Hope Online. "Among the many weaknesses were extremely low CSAP test scores and severe financial accountability and solvency issues," the press release states. Hog swill.

The solvency and accountability issues have been resolved. Hope Online was originally chartered through a small, rural district that became overwhelmed with the program's immediate success. The charter has been moved to a much larger urban district, which has the appropriate resources to manage a growing charter school's books and administrative needs. The charge that Hope Online's CSAP scores are "extremely low" represents a malicious and dishonest insult. The scores are low precisely because the school attracts underperforming students who have been let down by traditional schools.

They typically begin at Hope Online several grade levels behind where they're supposed to be, and their progress has been impressive. In reading, for example, the percentage of Hope students scoring "advanced" or "proficient" in 2007 CSAPs grew by 6.06 percent from 2006.

In D-11, it grew by only 0.14 percent. Hope Online clearly helps troubled students succeed. Apparently, D-11 doesn't care about cooperating with a successful school that's creating promising futures for kids. It cares more about protecting that old, strong monopoly the teacher's union longs to revive.

This lawsuit could hurt kids, and the families that care about them. It's a lawsuit that should be dropped.

On the lighter side- Political Spin Made Easy.

Hillary's Great Uncle

Judy Wallman, a professional genealogical researcher, discovered that Hillary Clinton's great-great uncle, Remus Rodham, was hanged for horse stealing and train robbery in Montana in 1889.The only known photograph of Remus shows him standing on the gallows. On the back of the picture is this inscription: 'Remus Rodham; horse thief, sent to Montana Territorial Prison 1885, escaped 1887, robbed the Montana Flyer six times. Caught by Pinkerton detectives, convicted and hanged in 1889.'

We e-mailed Hillary Clinton for comments.

Hillary's staff sent back the following biographical sketch:Remus Rodham was a famous cowboy in the Montana Territory. His business empire grew to include acquisition of valuable equestrian assets and intimate dealings with the Montana railroad.

Beginning in 1883, he devoted several years of his life to service at a government facility, finally taking leave to resume his dealings with the railroad. In 1887, he was a key player in a vital investigation run by the renowned Pinkerton Detective Agency.

In 1889, Remus passed away during an important civic function held in his honor when the platform upon which he was standing collapsed.'

And THAT is how it's done folks.


Salazar - Obama, and Kennedy's Kool Aid

The US Senate is getting ready to vote on S.2433, the Global Poverty Act of 2007. This bill, introduced by Senator Obama, is just one more piece of legislation that the Liberals want to use to promote their “One World Order.” The wording of the bill as printed on Senator Obama’s website is:

U.S. Senators Barack Obama (D-IL), Chuck Hagel (R-NE) and Maria Cantwell (D-WA) have introduced the Global Poverty Act (S.2433), which requires the President to develop and implement a comprehensive policy to cut extreme global poverty in half by 2015 through aid, trade, debt relief, and coordination with the international community, businesses and NGOs. Representatives Adam Smith (D-WA) and Spencer Bachus (R-AL) sponsored the House version of the bill (H.R. 1302), which passed the House in September. http://obama.senate.gov/press/071211-obama_hagel_can/

As a further example of the intent of this bill, the following is also copied from the source above:
"America needs to do more to help the 1.1 billion men, women and children throughout the world living on less than $1 a day by helping promote sustainable economic growth and development," said Senator Cantwell. "We need to do more to save lives in the poorest countries. The U.S. needs to implement a real plan to combat poverty on a global scale while also addressing the national security risks extreme poverty creates."

The goal is to work toward the implementation of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/ . If this legislation passes, it would obligate this country to billions of dollars for world welfare. This clearly goes against the principles of the Founding Fathers.

This has been, from its inception, a country based on the principle of each individual working for and achieving goals based on the sweat of the brow. For this country to take on the responsibility and financial burden of over 1 billion souls would drive us so far under the financial curve as to permanently bankrupt us. The Liberals of Congress have, for the past 75 years, worked to turn this country into a totally dependent entitlement society. The Soviets finally realized that type of society does not work and they collapsed for trying. Now, our Liberal-led Congress under the tutelage of House Speaker Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Reid want to contribute to turning the rest of humanity into a completely dependent entitlement world.

When I first found out about this bill, I contacted Senator Salazar (D-CO) to urge him to work to defeat this bad piece of legislation. He sent this response:
As you know, S.2433 would direct the Secretary of State to develop and implement a comprehensive strategy to further the U.S. foreign policy objective of promoting the reduction of global poverty, the elimination of extreme global poverty, and the achievement of the United Nations Millennium Development Goal.S.2433 currently awaits action in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, of which I am not a member. However, please rest assured that I am fully committed to combating poverty, disease, and hunger around the world, and that I will consider S.2243 with that commitment in mind should it come to the full Senate for consideration.

Senator Salazar is playing very loose and free with your and my money, with the intent of sending it around the world. It was always obvious that Senator Salazar was sucking on Ted Kennedy’s Kool-Aid, but this time he has really gone too far. I urge all of my readers to contact their respective Senators to urge that they work to defeat this really bad piece of legislation.

As always, I welcome your comments/discussion.


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Dans at it again - Ethanol -Nuclear- and Renewable Energy

As promised in my last posting, I am going to continue with my discussion on energy, even though I started the last one with Rocky’s shopping trip.

When I wrote the last posting about the grocery bill, ethanol, etc., I had no idea that it would find its way to ColoradoPols.com. WOW! I really generated some discussion. There were comments from both ends of the spectrum. One individual, who was extremely critical as well as rude, inadvertently provided me with some very good data. To that individual, I say “Thank You.” He showed a pie chart from DOE that shows only 1.6% of our electricity is generated by using petroleum. I stand corrected.

The chart also shows that only 19.4% is generated by nuclear power. I think that this is one place we could make major improvements. The Europeans have broken the code on nuclear power. One of the main concerns about nuclear power is what do you do with the used fuel rods? The Europeans do not have the bureaucratic problems we have. They reprocess the spent fuel rods to get more use out of them. We, by law, are not allowed to do that. Instead, we have a huge cavern in Nevada to take them to (of course, the citizens of Nevada are really happy with this concept). Instead of processing the real waste down into a pint can, we have to bury the entire rod. What a waste!

I have to assume that “Other Renewables” (2.4%) on the pie chart is referring to solar and wind. That is a pathetic number. When I was stationed in Alameda, CA, I can remember driving east out of the Bay area and going past a huge windmill farm. All of the wind mills were turning and making electricity. After I returned to the Springs I heard that the environmentalists made the power company shut them down because the birds were flying into the blades. OK, boys and girls, which way is it going to be? You cannot have it both ways. I think this example is sad in the extreme. The good part about wind and solar in today’s technology is that great strides are being made in solar collectors, storage capability, and wind mill technology. The price is coming down and the availability/choices are going up.

Now, getting back to the topic I started with last week; we are in love with our automobiles and use an appropriate amount of gas and diesel to feed that love. We are shocked at the pump when we fill up. It takes me almost $20 to fill my motorcycle and over $100 to fill my truck. Nobody will be able to convince me that the answer to the gas crisis is ethanol. Contrary to what some of the respondents on ColoradoPols.com think, I am not that stupid. I have read reports that say ethanol burns dirty, it takes an inordinate amount of fuel just to manufacture it, and it eats up arable land, driving up food prices. I do not see anything smart in this lineup.

There is an unlimited supply of hydrogen on this planet. Even if we tried, we could not use it up. With all the talk about conservation where is the effort to develop a reliable, cost effective method of producing, storing and using hydrogen for the internal combustion engine, or some other technology. There has been a lot of research done on the fuel cell that converts hydrogen into electricity as it passes through a membrane. This is one of the outgrowths of the space industry. For commercial use, the technology is still immature, but some very smart people got this far; who is to say they will not make the breakthrough necessary to make it commercially feasible?

We have been crying about energy shortages for the last 40 years (almost) and yet, comparatively little has been done. Now we are faced with $4+ gasoline, and food prices that are skyrocketing because it is more important to plant corn for ethanol. To me, that borders on stupid, or greedy, or both. I certainly do not blame the farmers. In our competitive free market system, they are doing what they have to do in order to maximize their profits. The ones I blame are the bureaucrats and, yes, the eco-terrorists who are more concerned with protecting their income or their “movement” than seeking real solutions for real problems. It is high time that the smart people step up to the plate and say “enough is enough.” The bureaucrats are not the ones to do it. It is the scientists and engineers and their bosses in industry that will see this thing through.

As always, I welcome your comments/discussions


Coalition for a Conservative Majority

Recently, I have become involved with a new organization put together by Tom Delay and Ken Blackwell called the Coalition for a Conservative Majority (CCM). The proposition is simple. The CCM was established as a 501 (c) (4) non-profit to promote conservative values. As an issues-based organization, we cannot advocate for any candidate. Our entire focus is conservative issues.

We are meeting the first Monday if each month at various locations around the Springs. Last month was our first meeting as a separate chapter. We elected officers and discussed meeting nights and venues. Last night we begin the process of developing our bylaws. Our chapter president, Kyle Fisk, will take the concepts agreed upon by the membership and work up the draft bylaws for distribution and editing.

The CCM Colorado Springs will be an umbrella organization to focus stovepiped conservative organizations for advocacy purposes. The concept is that with a coalition of organizations, more can be accomplished than with a few individual, single-purposed organizations. We will have various committees to work with and coordinate our efforts with the coalition organizations.
This is a very short description of the CCM – Colorado Springs. The only way we will be able to succeed will be to recruit conservative activists who really care what happens to this country. Efforts like this can only succeed if we, here at the grass roots level, work to make our voices heard.

OK, here comes the pitch. The cost of membership is $52/yr. That is only $1/wk. The really good part is that you will be allowed to work for something worthwhile.
Our website is http://www.ccmajority.org . To navigate to the Colorado Springs chapter page, click on the map and then click on Colorado Springs. The website is still new and maturing. We will eventually have links to various partner organizations as well as tabs that will take you to our core tenants.

As you will see, there are still a lot of chapters to establish, so you will truly be getting in on the ground floor.Those of you who live outside the Springs area, check our website and see if there is a chapter in your area. If not, contact me or the national organization and see if there are any plans to start one near you.

If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact me. If I can’t answer them, I can get you an answer.

Thanks for considering membership. I hope to see you at the next meeting.


Sunday, May 11, 2008

English speaking Firefighters losing their jobs

Sun May 11, 2008 at 23:26:43 PM MDT

SALEM, Ore. - Some English-speaking firefighters are losing their jobs because of an Oregon state law that requires them to be bilingual.

The Department of Forestry enacted a law three years ago that requires them to be bilingual, but this year they're actually enforcing it.

2002 was such a devastating wildfire season, contractors were scrambling to find firefighters.
Hispanics often filled their needs on the fire lines.
Jim Walker of the Department of Forestry said "what we do know is 85 percent of the crew make-up is of Hispanic decent."
But many of the Hispanic fire fighters do not speak English. Walker says the language barrier is a concern.

Those concerns led the state to draft a new rule that all firefighting bosses speak English, and the languages of crew members who don't speak English.
Jaime Pickering, a squad boss overseeing 20 firefighters, says the rule means "job losses for Americans. The white people."

Because of the state's language requirement, Pickering can no longer work as a crew boss and supervise 20 firefighters, he can only manage a squad of four.

Pickering says that "if you have one Spanish guy on the crew, as an English crew boss, you can no longer be a crew boss, you have to step back to a squad boss, which is a demotion."

While the state made the rule change in 2003, it decided to strictly monitor the law this year as Hispanics continue to fill fire lines.

Jim Walker says "our main concern is that they are safe, and they are in a safe environment, and a lot of that deals with communication."
Manuel Franco is a Hispanic contractor for fire crews. He says he thinks the state's rule is necessary for worker safety.

"I think that's good, because that's for safety purpose," Franco says. "If there's a rock rolling down, everybody should understand that."
However, Manuel did say he felt the situation would improve if everyone spoke English. "We're living here. We should speak the language."

Jim Walker ponders the possibility that all fire crew members should be required to speak English, instead of having bilingual crew leaders.
"If it comes down to a safety issue, and it's determined that's the only way we can have people safely on an incident, then yes," Walker said.

Both Oregon state officials and those in the firefighting business say they do not think there are 'that many' illegal immigrant workers in the fire crews.

They say it is more a case of legal workers who do not speak English.


Saturday, May 10, 2008

Dan on the grocery bill, ethanol, ANWAR, and other Liberal boondoggles

It is the first of the month and as is her habit, my wife, Rocky, went to the grocery to do her "stock-up" shopping. As the term implies, this is when we do the majority of our grocery and necessity shopping. We will do some shopping during the month for perishables and other necessities, so we normally keep fairly well abreast of the trends in food prices.

The first thing my Rocky told me when I got home was that she was experiencing sticker shock. Our normal "stock-up" shopping trip is good for approximately $150. Today, she spent closer to $260. We are not folks who eat a lot of "snacky" stuff. Our snacks normally consist of a couple of bags of pretzel sticks. We do not eat prepared foods, Rocky is just too good of a cook. Therefore, we are talking about an exorbitant increase in the price of staples.
Even the least astute of my readers will understand that this is merely personal observation and not a scientific study, even though we have seen reports of this type of price increase on the news and the folks I work with have made the same observation.

Let’s look at a couple of possible causes for extreme inflation like this. My first thought is the eco-terrorists. But the harder I think about the situation, the less I am inclined to think of any other cause. You may ask, or not, what the eco-terrorists have to do with the price of groceries. Well, I’m glad you asked, because I am just chomping at the bit to tell you.
First, there is the eco-terrorist fight to keep us from drilling in ANWAR and in the coastal plains. We have enough petroleum within the borders and territorial waters of the United States to satisfy our needs for many decades. Additionally, with the new find in the North/South Dakota area we would be even more secure in our energy supplies. But that is only part of the problem. The eco-terrorists have prevented the building of new refineries in the United States for over 31 years. With the reduced refining capacity vs. demand, we have become increasingly dependent on foreign oil imports. Of course this is no surprise to anyone.

There is now a movement to reduce our dependence on foreign oil by turning corn into ethanol and mixing with gasoline to make our gas supplies go farther. Of course the farmers know a cash cow when they see one. With more and more of our arable land being taken up for ethanol production, there is less available for food production. Never mind that it takes almost as much energy to produce one gallon of ethanol as you get out of it. But what do the eco-terrorists care, we are using a renewable source for fuel, even though it is almost a wash as to cost/benefit, from a fuel standpoint. However from a food standpoint, there is definite negative cost/benefit. There less food available and therefore the demand/price equation comes into play and we not only see sticker shock at the pump, we see it in the grocery line.

But eco-terrorists are not economists; they are, by definition, terrorists. They are holding the country, and actually the western hemisphere, hostage. There is such a shortage of corn, that the price of tortillas in Mexico has sky-rocketed. I am not saying this to be funny; this was reported on the news (as reliable as that is).

OK, the experts tell us that the way to reduce our dependence on foreign oil is to use less. That is kind of a "no-brainer." Let’s explore some ways to reduce our usage of petroleum products, primarily gasoline, diesel, and natural gas.

One of the primary ways is to convert power plants to coal or nuclear power. The coal plants of today are not the same as those of our grandfathers’ day. There are chimney and stack scrubbers that clean up the emissions to the point of acceptability.

And then we can look at nuclear power. I was not able to find out how long it has been since we have built a nuclear power plant, but I know that it has been a long time. It is just easier not to bother with it than to fight the eco-terrorists. When you look at the success of the nuclear power industry in Europe, one can only wonder why we do not follow suit. The answer is simple. The eco-terrorists have beaten Congress and various administrations into submission.

We use a lot of petroleum to make electricity. Why; because the eco-terrorists would rather scream about the ecology than do something about it. With every court battle, they prove their disdain for America.

Of course, no terrorist can ply his trade without an enabler. The good news for the eco-terrorists is that they have a number of groups of enablers. They start with the Senate and House of Representatives and go all the way down to state legislatures. In my next posting, I will discuss the complicity of these groups.
As always I welcome your comments/discussions.

Dan Lanotte

Friday, May 9, 2008

So much for the "Rich Republican" label..-..Doug Lamborn is a Man of the People

Web site adds up finances of lawmakers, candidates

PAM ZUBECK The Gazette Friday May 9, 2008

How much is a politician worth? No, this is not a joke or a trick question. According to OpenSecrets.org, the richest House member, Jane Harman, D-Calif., is worth $409.4 million; the wealthiest senator is John Kerry, D-Mass., $267.8 million. The average net worth of all House members is $5 million and more than twice that for senators. So the answer is: A lot.

In the 5th Congressional District, though, it’s a different story. Rep. Doug Lamborn has assets up to $115,000 — a growth fund up to $15,000 and a $100,000 campaign loan to himself. That sum ranks him 406th among House members in personal wealth. Before being elected, he made $30,000 a year as a state senator and $1,000 from his law practice. Now taxpayers pay him $169,300. Lamborn’s only debts are between $10,001 and $15,000 each on two credit cards. His wife, Jean, owns a home on Mulligan Drive in Colorado Springs valued by the county assessor at $533,426.

Why should anyone care about such things? “Being able to review how politicians invest their money is one more way for voters to size up the candidates and trust that their elected representatives aren’t in public service for personal gain,” said Massie Ritsch, communications director for the Center for Responsive Politics. The center produces the OpenSecrets.org site, which spotlights Congress members’ wealth and who’s taking money from whom, among other things. Data are based on financial disclosure statements required of lawmakers and candidates, which report values in ranges rather than exact figures.

So how do Lamborn’s GOP opponents compare? Jeff Crank is worth up to $966,675, the top value of 19 assets that include investments, stocks, a home and a $57,000 campaign loan. Crank’s chief asset is his Shaugnessy Road home he reported in 2007 was worth $100,000 to $250,000 as it was being built. After completion this year, the assessor valued it at $556,675. Crank’s $79,752 annual income came from XAware Inc. and Rocky Mountain Consultants. Crank’s only liability is a home construction loan of up to $250,000.

Bentley Rayburn’s only asset, a condo in Tacoma, Wash., is worth $442,000, according to the assessor. He valued it at $250,000 to $500,000. The retired major general got $98,908 in 2007 from his Air Force pension and between $15,001 and $50,000 in rent. Rayburn owes between $25,001 and $65,000 on two credit cards and up to $250,000 on the rental. He didn’t list $160,000 in campaign loans to himself as assets, he said, because he doesn’t expect repayment. That money came from insurance policies, active-duty pay and rent.

By the way, Dick Cheney is about $46.5 million richer than his boss.



Lamborn takes the lead on Veterans Cemetery

Lamborn Brings Congressional Field Hearing on the National Cemetery Site Selection Process to Colorado Springs.

Congressman Lamborn, along with other members of the House Veterans Affairs' Committee, examine the VA cemetery site selection process.

Last week, Congressman Lamborn brought United States Congressmen John Salazar and John Hall, along with VA Under Secretary Tuerk, to Colorado Springs to hold a Congressional field hearing of the Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs Subcommittee of the House Veterans Affairs’ Committee regarding the National Cemetery site selection process.

"Never before has a Congressional field hearing been held in this District concerning the requirements for establishing a new national veterans' cemetery. This is a direct result of the hard work that I, along with other members of the Colorado delegation as well as members of various veteran organizations, have dedicated to this cause. I am encouraged by Under Secretary Tuerk’s testimony and will do my utmost to make certain the Department of Veterans Affairs holds true in the promise to bring a new veterans' cemetery to the region." -- Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05).

"I am most grateful to Congressman Lamborn for his hard work in bringing a Congressional field hearing to Colorado Springs regarding a national veterans' cemetery in Southern Colorado. This was the best and most useful event held about the cemetery during the ten years that I have been involved." -- Vic Fernandez, Founding Member of the Pikes Peak Veterans Cemetery Committee.

In response to questioning, Under Secretary Tuerk stated that he would send VA real estate experts and planners to begin to review a handful of potential sites that could be donated to VA at no cost prior to the appropriation of funds for a new cemetery in Colorado.
Congressman Lamborn has written a letter to Under Secretary Tuerk asking him to send these experts and planners as soon as possible.

In 2006, just one day after his swearing-in ceremony, Congressman Lamborn introduced H.R. 295, which would direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to establish a national veterans’ cemetery in the Pikes Peak region of Colorado. Additionally, Congressman Lamborn successfully offered an amendment to Congressman Salazar’s more recent bill, H.R. 1660, to ensure that any national veterans’ cemetery established in Southern Colorado will be located in El Paso County.


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Falcon Fire Board Election-

The 3 candidates RCF members were supporting were all elected to the Falcon fire board, in a decisive landslide.

Dick Ayer sends his thanks to all that passed the word.

When we work together, things work out. (ed)

Falcon Fire Election Totals

Brandon Payne 32

Alex Donnell 49

Mike Collins 163

Dena Bramhall 169

Kevin Ray 142

Thanks again for your help.

Dick A.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Dan speaks out on Immigration, Mexican Corruption, and how it effects the heartland.

In this time of debate over immigration, I think it is appropriate to touch on the root cause of our illegal immigration problem. It is not only our porous borders, or our "golden opportunities" here in the United States. One significant factor of the problem can be traced directly back to Mexico City.

The corruption that has run rampant in Mexico for decades is driving their citizens out of their homeland. Not a month goes by without news of a major drug war or drug bust. It would be tempting to say that the Mexican government is making headway on their own counter-drug program since they keep making large drug busts. But if they are making such headway, why are there always such large drug busts to be made?

An article from the Washington Post of 20 Apr 2008, discusses the massive Mexican Cartel problems across the border from Columbus, New Mexico, in Puerto Palomas. On 17 Mar of this year, the entire police force of Puerto Palomas resigned and the Chief of Police, Perez Ortega walked across the border into Columbus to request asylum. Chief Ortega is currently in a detention facility awaiting a decision. When the drug gangs start fighting in Puerto Palomas, the Sheriff Raymond Cobos of Luna County, NM puts his entire force on alert. Victims with bullet holes in them are dropped at the border because their relatives are convinced that the US is the only place they will be cared for.

The problems across from Columbus are not isolated. All along the border, these stories are told and documented. The little town of Puerto Palomas was once a bustling tourist town of 12,000. In the last two years it has dropped to 7,500. Because of the violence people are leaving, including the police. The town has been able to recruit nine more officers and a new chief, but there is no telling how long they will stay.

We have heard that Mexico has one of the toughest immigration policies in the Americas, at least on its southern border. If it is so tough, how do the drugs get into the country, and why do most of the major drug busts take place within sight of the US border? How can the drugs that come in from South America traverse the entire length of Mexico undetected?

Well, the problem is that they do not traverse the country undetected. Drugs, primarily cocaine, come in by land, sea, and air into Mexico. They do not have to worry about importing heroin, methamphetamine, or marijuana. Mexico is one of the world’s leading producers of these three drugs.

There is also the problem of corruption in the Mexican armed forces. In many places the drug cartels operate with impunity. When there is the possibility of honest troops being present, the cartels’ intelligence networks issue sufficient warning. However, the cartels have become so powerful that in places they are openly defying the Mexican military.

All of the aforementioned drug cartel activity significantly contributes to a disastrous economy with little opportunity for economic gain and a very good opportunity for getting killed. Is there any wonder that the common Mexican wants to find a better, safer life? They are more than willing to brave the torturous Southwestern desert and the US legal system to find that life.
I see two positive actions that the Mexican government must do to even start to quell the massive flow of illegals into the US. First, by whatever means, they must shut down the drug industry. That includes production, transportation, and distribution. In all fairness, they may be attempting this, but we will likely never hear about it. Behind Columbia, Mexico has the second highest rate of journalist murders, in the world. There is doubtless no one who believes that the Mexican government will accomplish this feat anytime soon. The cartels are too powerful and the reputed corruption within the government is too rampant.

The second task is to create an environment where the average Mexican citizen can work for a living wage. Mexico is a land of vast resources which could be tapped to build an economic powerhouse if managed properly.

Please do not let my discussion give the impression that all of our illegal immigration problems rest squarely on the shoulders of the Mexican government and the cartels. This is far from it. Many of our national policies have been enabling factors in the problem.
When an illegal can walk into any hospital and receive free medical care, there is a problem. When illegals are given preferential treatment by a sanctuary city, there is a problem. When employers turn a blind eye to the illegal status of their workers, there is a problem. When the Social Security Administration is incapable of noticing that one social security number is used two, three, four, six, or eight times, there is a problem.

In this piece, I have concentrated on only one aspect of the illegal immigration problem. But as you surely know, the problem is vast and extremely complex. Perhaps, in the not-too-distant-future, I will take on other aspects of the problem, such as prosecutors that go across the Mexican border to retrieve a drug runner for the sole purpose of charging Border Patrol agents and sending them to do hard time for doing their jobs. (Sorry, I felt a new soap box coming out.)
As always, I welcome your comments/discussion.

Dan Lanotte

Congressman Doug Lamborn gets perfect “100” score from American Conservative Union

The American Conservative Union announced that Congressman Doug Lamborn has received a perfect “100” score in their “Rating of Congress.” Unlike other organization ratings, ACU selects 25 roll call votes on a wide variety of interests to conservatives, be they economic, social, or issues of national defense and foreign policy.

Each year since 1971, the American Conservative Union has published an annual “Rating of Congress.” The ratings are designed to show how members voted on all the major issues in order to gauge their adherence to conservative principles.

The American Conservative Union is the nation’s oldest and largest grassroots conservative lobbying organization. ACU’s purpose is to communicate and advance the goals and principles of conservatism. Whether fighting for lower taxes and less government spending, supporting our military, or defending freedom, the American Conservative Union seeks to be the conservative voice in Washington.

“As a Congressman I am pleased to receive a rating of ‘100.’ I take very seriously my promise to hold firm to the conservative values that the voters sent me to Washington to defend. Voting matters and I will continue the conservative voting record that the people of the district can count on.”


U.S. Chamber of Commerce Endorses Doug Lamborn

On April 23, 2008, the world’s largest business federation, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, announced that it has endorsed Congressman Lamborn’s candidacy for the U.S. House. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce represents over three million businesses and organizations of every size, sector, and region.

Congressman Lamborn’s support of pro-business issues was the basis for the endorsement. It is the goal of the Chamber to help elect a pro-business Congress and work diligently in the interests of businesses large and small to advance legislation that encourages economic growth, job creation, and a less intrusive government. Congressman Lamborn has been endorsed because the Chamber believes his re-election to the U.S. House will help produce sustained economic growth and promote America’s competitiveness in world markets.


Fair Tax ?

April 5, 2008

Well it’s that time of the year again. April 15th. As I sit here wading through my shoebox of receipts, w-2s, lottery winnings, mortgage interest statements, W-9s, savings interest statements and every other source of income for the year, I wonder, is there a better way?
The American tax code consists of over 67,000 pages of unreadable babble and every year we have to try to conform to it. Have you ever tried to call the IRS with a question? Don’t worry if you don’t understand the answer or don’t like the answer. Just call them again the next day. You’ll most likely get a different answer anyway. Not even the IRS can keep track of the tax code monstrosity.

For over 12 years a better code has been sitting in the dusty shelves of Congress. It is called the FairTax Act . The FairTax is a consumption tax that replaces the current tax system. Please note I said replaces, not adds to. The FairTax Act removes all forms of income tax, Social Security tax, Medicare tax, Pay Roll tax, and others.

With the FairTax, we would no longer need to fill out miles of paper work each year to conform to a burdensome tax code. We would pay our taxes when we purchase new goods or services. Imagine being able to take home all of your paycheck! Not only would you have all of your paycheck, but the cost of goods and services would remain pretty much the same.
I encourage everyone to get informed about the FairTax. The best way is to go to www.fairtax.org . There are two books that would help as well, "The FairTax Book" and "FairTax: The Truth". You can find both of these books at www.bn.com or www.amazon.com. These books are well worth the read.

As you sit down and pour through your financial life this year, think what it would be like if April 15th was just another spring day.

Shawn Mullen
The Republican Club of Falcon presents member and visitors opinions and commentary. The views expressed are solely those of the author and are not necessarily the views of the RCF or its entire membership.