Monday, June 2, 2008

Report from the Republican State Convention


(Finally, someone with a report from the convention - promoted by David/ Colorado

This years convention in Broomfield was a treat. It got off to a good start, and stayed on schedule most of the day, until, the end when we were a few minutes ahead of schedule.

The keynote speaker Mitt Romney, hammered home the differences and contrasts between Barack and John McCain. Barrack would sit down and hold talks with the worlds largest sponsors of terror, John McCain would sit down with Americas allies, the best chance for a safe and stable world is a strong United States.

Mitt got the longest loudest standing ovation of the day, just slightly more than Bob Schaffer, who gave a rousing flawless speech.

The more I see and hear Bob Schaffer, the more I like him. He will not be a Senator that can be criticized for supporting a war he or his family is not willing to fight. Three of Bob's five children have chosen to enter Military service in a time of war. All of Bob's adult children are currently officers-in-training. Two participate in ROTC while attending college and another daughter is attending the US Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs.

The best presentation of the day had to be the college Republicans, "ten reasons why Hillary supports the College Republicans". (Because they both know how it feels to support unpopular ideas in a hostile environment.)

There was one lone protester with an anti war sign, who was quietly and politely removed, and one guy in an uncle SAM costume who was ruled out of order, ranting about some issue in his home district who was not so gently removed.

The real surprise were the Ron Paulies. Boy are they passionate. Talked to several who were very friendly and polite. The loudest costumes, most tattoos and wildest colored hair award definitely goes to the "Paulies".

At one point a Ron Paul supporter asked the chair for a chance for a Ron Paul representative to speak. The chair, Dick Waddams, put it to a standing vote, and it was overwhelmingly defeated. They politely withdrew after getting their vote.

The feeling in the hall was positive, upbeat, and inspiring. No one downplayed the big job ahead, or what must be accomplished to take back the US House, Senate, and the State of Colorado.
But we know where we went wrong, and what we need to do to correct it.

Now it's time to go to work.


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