Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sunday, August 17, 2008

From the EPC Democrat Party Website:

From the EPC Democrat Party Website:
(And what it really means in plain English, the official Language de Colorado.)FOR NOW

So I was trying a new Google feature I have been selected to beta test, and put in Local+Organizations+wishful exaggerations of the truth, and up pops the El Paso County Democrat's website. Their actual stated beliefs are in bold. Fortunately I was able to get a plain English translation of their stated beliefs (shown below.)

As Democrats We Believe:
In Defending all of the human rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. Except for free association, freedom to keep what you earn, freedom of speech for conservatives on college campuses, freedom of the US Marines to recruit in Berkley, and the right to keep and bear arms.
A clear separation of Church and State. Except that we must ignore that separation is nowhere in the Bill of Rights or the US Constitution, and that the phrase was expressed in a private letter by Thomas Jefferson (who was in France at the time and had no part in the constitution) to a Baptist convention. But it advances our religion of global climate change & anti capitalism (except for our favorite for profit abortion clinics.) So all hail and praise, separation from god is now our God.

Swift and appropriate punishment for criminal behavior. Except when the "criminal behavior" is unlawfully crossing our border, trespassing and property damage by liberal protesters, or sexual crimes against children in Vermont.

Freedom from undue government interference in our private lives and personal decisions. Except if you want to home school your kids in California.

Fiscal responsibility in government. The responsibility we feel to ensure you pay your fair and ever growing share for our ever growing government's fiscal needs.

Equal opportunity for all citizens. And equal preferences for all those we can divide into diverse and separate sub groups who need our protection and assistance cause they just can't make it if all things were really equal.

A quality education that gives all individuals the opportunity to reach their potential*. *For those that can afford a private school like Chelsea Clinton had, or live in areas with a Conservative school board, and Union government schools with little accountability or hope of improvement for those unlucky enough to live where the Education Union is strong. But hey, we need their union money and organization skills.

A quality environment in which to raise our children. With freedom for the transgendered to use their restrooms, to parade down main street, and adopt them when their backwards conservative parents are finally jailed for their homophobic thoughts.

The value of diversity within the community. With the worthwhile goal of total diversity of each and every human family, diversity of language until we all speak and understand a different diverse one, and diversity for all thoughts and ideas, except conservative ideas, traditions, morals and morays which must be eliminated.

Rewarding honest, hard work with a living wage and fair taxation. Well history proves were lying here, but just smile and give us a pass.

Community support for strong families. Except if they're headed by an evil white male who regularly listens to Rush Limbaugh.

Security in our homes, our communities and our nation. Except we opposed the "make my day" law to allow true personal security. On national security, we elected representatives that tried to cut and run, but they couldn't get it passed. Elect more Democrats and we will promise a foreign policy triumph like Jimmy Carter gave us in Iran. (He got a Nobel Peace prize for the lasting peace he brought to the middle east too.)

A nation that will serve as a model of economic and social justice to the rest of the world. And be a model like Fidel Castro's Cuba, whom we Love and Praise.

And remember to vote Democrat in the Fall, Our Invincible team is recommended by more ruthless dictators than any other party.

(WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Add another name to the list of political observers who think a Clinton-Obama ticket would be unbeatable: Cuban leader Fidel Castro.)

Danny Glover and Jane Fonda will be next months guest speakers.

This has been a test of Democrats ability to take humor as well as dish it out.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Russian Incursion Continues

Click on the map to enlarge the map image

A couple of days ago I received the email below from a trusted friend. He says that it is authentic and that is good enough for me. Forgive me for removing the names;
I’m sure you understand the reason.
Begin forwarded email.
Capt _____ provides input from someone inside Georgia. If he emailsit, it's reliable. FYI-----Original Message-----From: Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2008 12:42 PMTo:
Subject: FW: GeorgiaAdmiral, Sirs, Word from Inside Georgia. Sad news.v.r.CAPT Counter-Terrorism & Defense Operations-----Original Message-----From: Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 11:38 PMSubject: GeorgiaBy all accounts, the Georgian Coast Guard was essentially destroyedyesterday by Russian regular army troops in Poti. No people killed orinjured, as there was no resistance.

Three ships seized and destroyed.Buildings on the base damaged and/or destroyed, including the commandcenter. Other GCG vessels had left Poti before this and were not taken. Theradar station at Anaklia was destroyed. Not yet at Supsa, the Russians wereexpected to destroy that station as well.It has chilled me to hear of all of this, as so much of that infrastructurewas built or improved as a part of my w! ork these past years. It can berebuilt if the money is found but i t pains me nonetheless.

It is the destruction and looting in the villages near Abkhazia, and aroundSouth Ossetia that is so horrific. There is no foreign aid to help familiesrebuild their lives. The Georgia, Osset and Abkhaz youth who are a part ofit are thugs and criminals easily brought to the Russian fold in return forfree reign. There is no reasonable explanation on earth for what theRussians are now doing in Georgia. It does not equal the genocide of Darfur,but it is all here in my backyard.My family is terrified, and the patriotic rhetoric is maxed out in volume.Thankfully it appears that the Russians will not press on to Tbilisi.Amazingly we still have electricity and phone service. And water.Gracefully yesterday provided a moment of peaceful irony - at the Olympicsin Beijing Georgian athletes won 2 gold medals. The first was in judo. The second was in wrestling. The Georgian defeated - a Russian! And in Olympicappropriateness the two combatants threw their arms around each other inexhaustion and respect.

I think all of Georgia was standing for their anthemduring the medals ceremony .Best wishes,
End of forwarded email

As I pointed out in my last Political Discourse, Putin wants to put the old Soviet Union back together. It seems that Georgia’s crime was being friendly with the West and specifically their desire to join NATO. When the rebelling region of South Ossetia tried to break away and rejoin with Russia, Georgia went in for the purpose of putting down the rebellion. That was the excuse that Russia needed/wanted to attack Georgia.

North Ossetia has long been aligned with Russia. In the map insert above, North Ossetia is the area marked as Alania. While South Ossetia has strong ties to Russia, has long been considered a part of Georgia.

Russian forces have been in South Ossetia, theoretically as a peacekeeping force, but their wonton actions against the Georgians as noted in the above email goes beyond merely protecting allies and preventing further violence. Georgia has also had peacekeeping forces in the area.
As of this morning, 16 August 2008, the Russians and the Georgians have signed a cease-fire agreement, stipulating that Russian forces are to return to their previous positions in South Ossetia with the ability to patrol the Georgian border. General Anatoly Nogovitsyn, the deputy chief of the Russian military staff has stated that a return of Georgian forces to South Ossetia would not be acceptable.

To slightly shift gears, the Associated Press reported today that Poland and the United States have concluded an agreement to place anti-ballistic missiles in Poland. The negotiations have been going on for 18 months with the stated goal to place missiles in Poland to protect from any current or projected IRBM/ICBM capability within Iran or other potentially unfriendly Middle Eastern country. Russia believes that the anti-ballistic missiles are a direct slap in the fact to them and has threatened retaliation in the form of its own nuclear arsenal.
Two days ago, Russia also made the statement that Georgian borders are no longer sacred, the same with any rebellious region within any of the former Soviet states that ask for Russia’s assistance.

Given the bellicose stance Russia has taken in the recent past, it would be reasonable to expect all of the former Soviet states to be in danger of re-absorbs ion. Russia is already looking with laser focus on the Baltic States.

After my last posting, a number of commentators as well as several of my friends have commented on the similarity between the current Russian actions and the incursion of German troops into the Sudetenland on 01 October, 1938. This incursion was due to the appeasement mentality of the Europeans at that time. The current actions of the Russians and the world’s desire for peace today make it feel like it must have in the late ‘30s. How many more of the former Soviet satellite states are going to be given to Putin?

Since the pull-out of US forces from Viet Nam, and the Marines from Lebanon, the United States has come to be viewed as a country that does not go the extra mile to back its friends. I believe that it is time to reverse that trend and show the world that we do back our friends. In the past, the Russians have typically responded only to adversaries that come to them from a position of strength. Giving in to their bullying in Georgia and Poland removes any semblance of strength. If we do not stand up for our friends now we could see a resurgence of Soviet dominance in Eastern Europe and a renewal of the Cold War.

As always, I welcome your comments/discussion.

Daniel C. Lanotte

Monday, August 11, 2008

The Russian Bear out of Hibernation

On June 12, 1987, President Reagan made the famous demand, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall” in a speech to the people of West Berlin. It was also heard on the East side of the wall. This was the prelude to the greatest peacetime implosion of a multilithic regime this world has ever seen. Today, 21 years later, we still laud Reagan for his courage to even make this challenge, after all of his advisors counseled against it.

In December of 1991, after the erosion of the Soviet world from the edges, the Soviet Union ceased to exist. A painful period of the Russian version of democratization began. The newly wealthy grew out of the corrupt officials that had run the country. Still, there was some hope that the new Russian Republic would work through these growing pains and come out the other side as a democracy, governed by the rule of law. The old hard-line Communists were suppressed and it looked as if Boris Yeltsin might just be able to pull it off, if his health held up. At least that is the short version.

Now fast forward to 2000. With the succession of Vladimir Putin to the presidency of Russia, another KGB professional was again in power. For the past eight years Putin has been consolidating and confirming his power.

In the run-up to the 2003 parliamentary elections, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the wealthiest of the new Russian billionaires, financed opposition parties running against Putin’s United Russia Party. For this indiscretion, the government charged Khodorkovsky with fraud and tax evasion. The sentence was for eight years. Under the Russian legal system, he was eligible for release in 2008. Removing this source of financing, Putin’s ruling party easily won reelection. In early 2007 Khodorkovsky faced new charges of money laundering and embezzlement in preparation for the upcoming 2008 elections. Putin could not take a chance of losing his legislative mandate.

Putin and the ruling party have recently taken to flexing their collective muscles in the old ways. In August of last year, Putin announced the resumption of long-range bomber flights because of security concerns. This renewed assertiveness now can be viewed as the first overt step in a campaign to reestablish the regional power base that the Soviets had established after World War II.

In the past week, Georgia has sent troops into the break-away enclave of South Ossetia to discourage thoughts of independence. Since the break-up of the Soviet Union, South Ossetia has claimed to be independent from Georgia. This urge for independence was further enhanced with the recent declaration of independence by Kosovo.

Russia has been claiming that they are just acting as peacekeepers. But Russia is goaded by NATO’s promise to admit Georgia. Last week, Russian forces rolled into the area in support of the separatists. Two days ago, 8 Aug, it was reported that Russian troops had moved into South Ossetia with 150 tanks plus assorted other vehicles. Today, it was reported that Russian and Georgian forces are engaged. There are also reports of the Russian Navy blockading Georgian ports.

With the aforementioned examples of Russian expansion of control, both internal and external, it could be argued that Russia under Vladimir Putin is attempting to rebuild, at least partially, the Soviet power bloc of the Cold War days. While the West has been watching developments related to Muslim Terrorism, Putin has been restoring the Russian military which had fallen into abject disrepair; this repair and modernization being paid for by proceeds gained from re-nationalized industries such as the petroleum industry.

This is a complicated world, made more so by the resurgence of Russia as a power with which to be reckoned. Only time will tell the lengths to which Putin will go to achieve the level of his desired power.

As always, I welcome your comments and discussions.

Daniel C. Lanotte

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Coalition for a Conservative Majority Responds

Dear CCM Colorado Springs members,

Earlier today, you received an email from the former CCM-Co Springs chapter president announcing his resignation. In his letter, he makes very pointed accusations against myself, CCM’s founder Tom DeLay and CCM’s Colorado Chairman Bob Beauprez, and sends a considerable amount of misinformation to all of you as members as CCM members. For this, I am very disappointed.

To backtrack and re-trace the structure and intention of CCM; we are classified as a not-for-profit, 501c4 organization that does not support the election or defeat of any candidate for office. CCM’s mission is to recruit, organize and activate conservatives in specific policy areas so that we may have a voice in the public arena. We have many odds against us when looking at the funding and organization of Left wing groups, and the national media who too often ignore the values of conservatives. The last thing we need to do as committed conservatives is to point our action in our own direction.

Unfortunately, there has been an attempt to divide us as conservatives in what has become a bitter fight in Colorado’s 5th congressional district. At a time when Mark Udall is supporting an extreme liberal agenda in his race for the U.S. Senate, Barack Obama is heading to Colorado to accept his party’s Presidential nomination and, just today, Governor Bill Ritter was extensively quoted in the Rocky Mountain News championing a ballot initiative that would raise taxes and the cost of gas prices on all Colorado residents, CCM’s action items should be to engage in the debate on these issues so that the public is aware of the liberal policy agenda being spewed out by these extremists. From a grassroots level, the CCM-CO Springs chapter has a unique opportunity to define the issues and provide the public with the correct information on each of these and many other items that the Left will attempt to distort.

It is regretful that the intense primary situation in the 5th Congressional District has spilled over with personal politics and emotions that are misdirected and not accurately communicated to you as CCM members. However intense the primary situation is, it should not take our eyes off the primary goal: to beat the liberals at their own game on their own turf by effectively organizing our activists and communicating conservative values in the public policy arena.
CCM CO Springs now has a unique opportunity to repair this fracture and build on a new foundation of agreed upon principles. With new leadership and a better sense of direction, I have no doubt in my mind that this chapter will only increase in activity, performance, and results. I encourage all of you to put this unfortunate, personal matter behind you and continue on the road of communicating our principles and making a difference in the public policy debate that surrounds the upcoming events and elections.

I believe we should have a CCM members-only meeting within the next week to discuss the internal organization of CCM-CO Springs and wanted to get some feedback from as many of you on this.

Thanks to all of you as committed conservatives, as I know in my heart we can do great things going forward with our organization.
If I have inadvertently missed any of the CCM-Springs members, you may forward this to them.

Chris Perkins
Executive Director
Coalition for a Conservative Majority

1012 Pennsylvania Ave. SE Suite 300
Washington, DC 20003

Dan responds to Fisk's CCM resignation

The CCM-CS has agreed to the tenants under which the national organization was established. It is good that Kyle is passionate about putting together a head-to-head discussion between candidates. One question I would pose is why it was only the 5th CD race. We have a number of contentious races here in El Paso County that would be eligible for such a forum. None of these have been recommended.

I also know that Kyle is a very strong Jeff Crank supporter and I applaud him for that loyalty. However, I feel that it was inappropriate to use the proposed tactic and forum to promote Mr. Crank. As we have seen in previous “candidate forums,” they served to provide a platform for two candidates to levy unanswered questions and accusations as well as promote falsehoods against the candidate who was not in attendance. As we all know, just the utterance of a statement in a political campaign is to imply accuracy.

As the chairman of the Planning Committee for the Falcon Republican Club, we discussed having a series of candidate forums for the 5th CD, State House 15, and the District Attorney. In each of these races at least one of the candidates made it known that, for whatever reason, they would not be able to accept such an invitation. The Falcon Republican Club has the same obligation as the CCM-CS in that we cannot endorse or imply endorsement of any candidate before the primary.

After the primary, we will endorse and work for the primary winner. Of course, the CCM-CS cannot endorse any candidate at any time. As stated above, providing a platform for one or two candidates to levy charges, lies, or accusations against a non-participating candidate would imply that the organization is proffering a negative endorsement on one candidate. For this reason, the Falcon Republican Club has rejected the idea of holding any candidate forums before the primary. We are still considering holding candidate forums before the general election between primary winners of both parties.

I support CCM National in their decision concerning the proposed candidate forum for the 5th CD. I also believe that it would be appropriate for CCM-CS to host candidate forums for all races between the party candidates leading up to the general election.

Daniel C. Lanotte

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Partisan President Kyle Fisk resigns CCM

Kyle Fisk, widely viewed by a growing group of CCM members as "In the Tank for Crank" to such a degree that he would jeopardize the CCM goal of building a conservative majority by scheduling a divisive debate not wanted or agreed to by all campaigns in a Republican primary just to advance his guy Jeff Crank "a never before elected challenger" to current incumbent congressman Doug Lamborn, got their proof of Kyles priorities today.

From: Kyle Fisk <>Date: Tue, Aug 5, 2008 at 1:17 AM
Subject: OPEN LETTER - Kyle Fisk CCM ResignationTo: Kyle Fisk <>

Attached and copied below. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce, quote from, or forward along to interested parties the contents of this email.


Re: Resignation of Kyle Fisk as President of the Coalition for a Conservative Majority, Colorado Springs ChapterMonday, August 4, 2008 10:00 PMAt this evening's membership meeting I submitted my resignation as President of Coalition for a Conservative Majority-Colorado Springs effective immediately. I firmly believed that an organization of this type had tremendous possibility. Due to campaign finance laws, limited resources, and a focus on electing candidates, political parties can only do so much to advance the conservative debate.

Third-party groups like CCM have an invaluable role in bringing today's key issues to the forefront of the public discourse.However, I will not stand idly by as this organization engages in partisan and biased politics. It is the right of the electorate in our community to be fully aware of what happens behind closed doors during this primary election season. CCM-National vetoed our plans to hold a "Conversation with the Candidates" event at our August membership meeting. They canceled our event because not all three candidates would confirm their participation in the event. Initially claiming that a 501c4 could not host this type of event, they retracted this position when confronted with the facts concerning 501c4 activities in Colorado.The position of CCM-National in this case is unconscionable. They claim that having a public forum with candidates in this primary would constitute a perception of support for Jeff Crank and Bentley Rayburn, the challengers in this race. Their reasoning is that Doug Lamborn has publicly stated his unwillingness to debate and therefore any open forum is thereby biased against him in favor of his opponents. This logic is terribly flawed. Doug Lamborn does not have the right to dictate anything to CCM-Colorado Springs. It is Congressman Lamborn's prerogative not to attend our event. However, it was equally our prerogative to hold an event and I am extremely disappointed that we were forbidden to hold any townhall meeting.Chris Perkins, the Executive Director of CCM in Washington, DC, expressly forbade our group from moving forward with our plans. CCM-National decided instead to protect the incumbent in this race and deny the voters a chance to have their questions answered.

By adopting this position, CCM-National placed the local chapter of CCM in an untenable position. By forcing us to cancel our plans once invitations had been sent to all three campaigns, canceling the event actually creates the perception that we are supporting the incumbent and shielding him from an open conversation with the voters, as well as denying his opponents the freedom to speak, simply because he declines to join them.Our State Chairman Bob Beauprez, along with a majority of the CCM-Colorado Springs officers, supported the effort to host a neutral, fair, balanced townhall meeting of the candidates to discuss the issues. Among our officers we have supporters of all three Republican candidates in the 5th CD. Our membership is composed of supporters from all three campaigns. This was not to be a partisan event. We are a community group that wanted to talk about the issues.To be forbidden by the national staff to proceed with these plans is preposterous. We would not have been violating any laws, we would not in any way have been compromising our 501c4 tax status, and we would not have been playing favorites. These rather ludicrous claims disguise what I can only assume is the deeper motivation of Tom DeLay and CCM-National to protect Doug Lamborn and deny his opponents the opportunity to be heard.CCM-Colorado Springs should be a place that welcomes open, respectful, and sincere dialogue about the issues. Under my administration, we did everything possible to accommodate Congressman Lamborn and his conditions for a public forum. In fact, we were prepared to cancel tonight's activities in lieu of a forum on Friday, August 8th, which Lamborn's campaign manager had requested. However, when pressed for a commitment, the Doug Lamborn campaign rapidly retreated and stated their intention not to attend any candidate townhall meting under any circumstance.Doug Lamborn has the right to remain silent, but his opponents should not be forced to live by that code.

Candidates who wish to speak at our events should be allowed to do so, regardless of whether the opponents accept our invitations to join them. Otherwise we renounce personal responsibility and freedom of opportunity, pillars without which our republic cannot stand.Tom DeLay and CCM-National is, in my opinion, protecting Doug Lamborn. CCM-Colorado Springs, a supposedly neutral third-party group, has crossed a very dangerous line. I can not remain part of an organization that elevates the preferences of any candidate or elected official above the good of our local chapter. Therefore, I must tender my resignation.I look forward to serving with conservative activists throughout our community on these critical issues through other venues and organizations.

Respectfully,Kyle FiskFormer President of CCM-Colorado Springs
The Republican Club of Falcon presents member and visitors opinions and commentary. The views expressed are solely those of the author and are not necessarily the views of the RCF or its entire membership.